Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Masterclass [Free Online Course] - TechCracked

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Masterclass

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Strategy | Theory | Hands-on | Scenario Based Questions | Tips | Tricks

This course includes:

  • 11.5 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

What you'll learn

  • Learn How to Design and Build Applications to successfully pass the CKAD Exam to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Define, build and modify container images to successfully pass the CKAD Exam to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to create Jobs and CronJobs to successfully pass the CKAD Exam to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to create and apply multi-container Pod design patterns (e.g. sidecar, init and others) to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Utilize persistent and ephemeral volumes to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green or canary) to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to do Deployments and how to perform rolling updates to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Use the Helm package manager to deploy existing packages to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How API deprecations works to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Implement probes and health checks to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Use provided tools to monitor Kubernetes applications to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Utilize container logs to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Debug in Kubernetes to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes (CRD) to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to configure authentication, authorization and admission control to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to define resource requirements, limits and quotas to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to Use ConfigMaps, Secrets, ServiceAccounts and SecurityContexts to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to configure and use NetworkPolicies to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to troubleshoot access to applications via services to successfully pass the CKAD Exam
  • Learn How to use Ingress rules to expose applications to successfully pass the CKAD Exam


This comprehensive Kubernetes training program is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to excel in the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam. 

The course is meticulously crafted to meet all examination criteria, ensuring you master the CKAD certification requirements.

With a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you'll benefit from user-friendly, one-click, copy-paste code snippets that facilitate seamless learning. 

Engage with scenario-based questions that mirror real-world situations, accelerating your journey to becoming a Certified Kubernetes professional.

Learn how to efficiently set up a Minikube cluster and practice all necessary exam objectives. Master advanced deployment strategies such as Blue-Green Deployment and Canary Deployment in Kubernetes. 

Gain expertise in managing Kubernetes Secrets, implementing Readiness and Liveness Probes, and handling Jobs and Cronjobs.

Delve into Deployments, including fixing deprecated deployment issues, and understand LimitRanges and Resource Quotas. Discover essential VIM tips for CKAD, along with sufficient Docker knowledge to pass the CKAD Exam. Explore Helm essentials for certification success.

Enhance your skills in multi-container logging and the Logging Sidecar Pattern. Understand Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and manage memory and CPU resource limits effectively. 

Tackle scenario-based questions involving specific service accounts, pod creation per requirements, HostPath, StorageClass, PV, PVC configurations, network communication policies, deployment updates with SecurityContext, and troubleshooting liveness probes and failing deployments.

How to setup a minikube cluster and practice all the required exam objectives.

How to do Blue Green Deployment in Kubernetes

How To Do Canary Deployment in Kubernetes

How to work with Kubernetes Secrets

Readiness, Liveness Probes

Jobs, Cronjobs

Deployments, Fix Deprecated Deployment

LimitRanges, Resource Quotas


Just Enough Docker to pass CKAD Exam

Just Enough Helm to pass CKAD Exam

Multi Container Logging

Logging Sidecar Pattern

Kubernetes Role Based Access Control

Kubernetes Memory CPU Resource Limits

Scenario Based Question - Use Specific Service Account

Scenario Based Question - Create Pod as Per Specific Requirements

Scenario Based Question - HostPath, StorageClass, PV, PVC

Scenario Based Question - Allow Network Communication using existing NW Policy

Scenario Based Question - Update Deployment with SecurityContext

Scenario Based Question - Fix Liveness Probe

Scenario Based Question - Fix Failing Deployment

Scenario Based Question - Canary Deployment

Who this course is for:

You need some knowledge and hands-on experience on Kubernetes. This is not a Beginner level course. This is the right course if you are already have knowledge, concepts and Hands-on with Kubernetes and now you wish to get certified.

Also See : Complete Kubernetes: Easy & Practical Guide + Project

Course is FREE for Limited Time Only!