Reactify & Elevate Django with TinyMCE and OpenAI [Free Development Course] - TechCracked

Reactify & Elevate Django with TinyMCE and OpenAI

Learn the fundamentals of integrating React, TinyMCE, OpenAI, and Django to build a powerful way to create landing pages

What you'll learn

  • Creating a Django project
  • Modern integration with Django + React
  • Using a What You See Is What You Get Editor (WYSIWYG) with Django
  • Using Vite to create and manage a React project
  • Custom Django Middleware
  • Implementing React-based TinyMCE
  • Saving and retrieving TinyMCE data via Django and React
  • Building a pure Django REST API to handle front-end data. (e.g. a precursor to something like the Django Rest Framework)
  • Implement OpenAI for One-Click Generating WYSIWYG Landing Page Content
  • Embedding YouTube Videos in TinyMCE


Django web framework stands as a robust backend development framework constructed using the Python programming language. React.js front-end library emerges as a powerful front end built with the JavaScript programming language. When combined, these two technologies bring forth full-stack web development capabilities that are challenging to rival in the modern digital landscape.

TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor has been an indispensable tool for Django web developers for more than a decade. What makes it so valuable? It offers a powerful What You See Is What You Get Editor (commonly known as WYSIWYG) that empowers non-technical users to construct intricate HTML web pages without the need for coding expertise. For those with technical proficiency, TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor also provides advanced functionalities to edit content inline, enhancing the overall user experience.

Recently, TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor received a significant enhancement by incorporating cutting-edge artificial intelligence tools. This integration has dramatically improved the process of creating WYSIWYG HTML pages, allowing users to generate content in mere seconds. Essentially, this advancement combines the best features of TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor with state-of-the-art technologies like OpenAI GPT models (applicable to any version), Llama 3, or any forthcoming generative artificial intelligence solutions. Our comprehensive course will guide you through the process of integrating these groundbreaking technologies seamlessly.

This completely free online course covers an extensive range of subjects, including but not limited to:

- Setting up a Django web framework project from scratch

- Utilizing Vite for efficient React.js project management and optimization

- Integrating Django web framework with React.js for seamless full-stack development

- Developing custom Django middleware to enhance application functionality

- Integrating TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor with React.js for improved content management

- Managing TinyMCE data effectively with Django and React.js

- Creating a robust Django REST API for comprehensive front-end data management (serving as a precursor to advanced solutions like the Django Rest Framework)

- Leveraging OpenAI for generating high-quality WYSIWYG landing page content with a single click

- Embedding YouTube videos seamlessly in TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor for enhanced multimedia integration

While this course might appear to be an advanced Django web development course, we've made a concerted effort to make it accessible to novice developers. The content is structured in a way that allows beginners to grasp complex concepts gradually, while simultaneously providing experienced developers the flexibility to navigate and focus on specific areas of interest.

To ensure a hands-on learning experience, we provide the complete source code as a free download. You can obtain it either as a convenient zip file or directly from our GitHub repository. Additionally, we offer exclusive student resources in the form of comprehensive PDF documents, designed to supplement your learning journey and provide valuable reference materials.

This course represents a unique opportunity to elevate your web development skills, combining the power of Django, React.js, and cutting-edge AI technologies. Whether you're looking to enhance your professional portfolio, tackle complex web projects, or simply expand your knowledge in full-stack development, this course offers invaluable insights and practical skills.

Are you prepared to embark on this exciting journey into advanced web development? Let's begin this transformative learning experience together!


  • A strong desire to learn is key to do well in any of my courses. You got this.
  • Knowing some Python is helpful (see my 30 Days of Python Course)
  • Knowing some Django is helpful (such my course Your First Django Project)
  • Knowing some JavaScript is helpful

Course is FREE for Limited Time Only!

Who this course is for:

  • Developers looking to integrate React and Django
  • Growth Marketers looking to leverage Code and AI to rapidly develop and test landing pages
  • Founders and entrepreneurs testing ideas
  • Teams that want to learn how to use TinyMCE with React and Django

Also See : Building Web Applications with Django and PostgreSQL